Friday, July 20, 2007

Homemade Soy Yogurt

Soy Milk (Vegan)

Hmm....cultured soy milk hahah. It can't really be called soy yogurt since, by definition yogurt is made with cows milk. I don't care SOY YOGURT SOY YOGURT. We say vegetarian hot dog why not soy yogurt. Hm... Soy yogurt is very different from dairy yogurt. Soy yogurt is more diluted and the taste is very different. Even if the soy yogurt is plain, it doesn't taste sour like plain dairy yogurt, it taste sweet. Maybe that's just me.

Recipe Yields about 2 cup 175.5 Cal/Cup

2 Cup Soy Milk (I used unsweetened Silk soy milk)
1/4 Cup Plain Soy Yogurt with Active Culture like WholeSoy & Co
1/2 - 1 Tbsp Cornstarch* (If you want it to be much thicker use 1 Tbsp, 1/2 Tbsp should be fine)

  • Put 1 3/4 cup soy milk into a pot and heat it up on med-high heat until it starts simmering.
  • While the soy milk is heating up, dissolve the cornstarch into the 1/4 cup reserved soy milk to create a rue. (Don't sprinkle cornstarch into the hot soy milk or else you'll get clumpy bits in your soy yogurt!)
  • Pour the rue into your simmer milk and mix it in and stir until the soy milk mixture is slightly thickened.
  • Let it cool until it is 110 F. This is crucial because if you mix the soy yogurt into the hot soy milk mixture, the bacteria will die!!
  • Mix in the soy yogurt and pour into a container.
  • Place it in the oven at 100F for 8 hours or into a dehydrator for about 5-8 hours. I have a ronco dehydrator, I just placed it in a skinny long container and placed it into the middle of the dehydrator for about 6 hours.
You can experiment by putting some sugar, fruits, spices, grains etc. Have fun!

*The amount of cornstarch was edited changing from 2 tbsp to 1/2 tbsp to 1 tbsp. edited: 12/21.07

I just found the yogurt way too thin and it wasn't as sour as I hoped it would be, so here's the new recipe.

2 Cup of Unsweetened Soy Milk (You can use sweetened soy milk just omit the sugar)
1 Tbsp Sugar [ The sugar feeds the backeria]
1/3 Cup Soy Yogurt 1/2 for a more tangy taste
2 Tbsp of Cornstarch

  • Pour 1 3/4 cup soy milk into a saucepan and pour the sugar into it. Let it simmer on low-medium heat.
  • Mix the 1/4 cup soy milk with the corn starch until they are dissolve.
  • When the mixture is simmering mix the soy milk and pour in the cornstarch mixture.
  • Stir it until it thickens.
  • Remove from heat and let it cool until the temperature of the soy milk mixture is 100-120F. If you don't have a thermometer room temperature will do but ideally the best temperature for the yogurt bacteria is 100-120 F.
  • Mix in the yogurt until combine.
  • Put it in a container and place it in a dehydrator for about 7 hours. Just make sure that the dehydrator does not get too hot. [ If you don't have a dehydrator just preheat your oven to the lowest setting and place the container of yogurt into the oven and leave a crack open.


Anonymous said...

I made this recipe using coconut milk and it turned out wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe.

zlamushka said...

Coconut milk? wow, interesting. i want to make it tonight :-) I weill elt you know how it went, thanks for the tip, I think i ll try the secodn option, as I like mine thick and sour :-9